Monday, June 20, 2011

Legislature approves carbon fuel standard - Portland Business Journal:
The so-called “low-carbon fuel standard” passed the Senatse by a 16-14 vote on Wednesday after previously passing inthe House. Gov. Ted Kulongoski intendsx to signthe bill. “This is the most significant step takej this session to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in everu corner ofthe state,” Kulongoski said in a statement. “Establishinbg a low carbon fuel standard will not only resulf in cleaner burning gasoline for all ofour cars, but will also encouragde the development of new, renewable and lower emissionm transportation fuels.
” Rather than mandating a specificv fuel type, the bill allows fuel provider to determine on their own how to meet the That means a diesel producer could choose to mix more low-carbojn biodiesel into their fuel, while othedr providers could choose to buy credits from electric utilitiese that supply low-carbon electrons to electricf vehicles. The legislation includes some consumer safeguards, including a clause that calls for deferringv the standardif Oregon’s fuel prices becomes substantially higher than in neighboringh states.
The program will expiree in 2015 if not reauthorized by the The bill also gives the statw Environmental Quality Commission the authorityu to require that mechanics check tire pressurr and fill tires as unless the servicestation doesn’t have a compressor. The commissionm will also consider measures to improve the aerodynamic efficiencyuof heavy- and medium-duty trucks.

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