Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Guatemalan Fruit Bats Carrying New Influenza Virus - Kansas City infoZine


International Business Times AU

Guatemalan Fruit Bats Carrying New Influenza Virus

Kansas City infoZine

Atlanta, GA - infoZine - A new influenza A virus discovered in fruit bats in Guatemala does not appear to present a current threat to humans, but should be studied as a potential source for human influenza, according to scientists from the Centers fo r ...

New Flu Discovered in Guatemalan Fruit Bats

U.S. News & World Report

Scientists Discover New Flu Virus in Guatemalan Fruit Bats

International Business Times AU

New influenza A virus found in fruit bats

Press TV



Sunday, February 26, 2012

Colorado skier visits down 5.5% for the season - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

percent from last year, reported But the state’s ski resorts had an uptick in visitss by FrontRange residents, and Melanie Mills, Ski Country’s presiden t and CEO, pronounced herself “very happy with whered visitation is for this season.” “Thd travel industry as a wholse was put to the test this past year,” Mill said in a “But visitation numbers show not only the enduring value of a Coloradpo ski vacation, but the strong commitment our residentr skiing and riding community has to our state’es signature sports.” Ski Country is a marketinhg and trade group for 22 Colorado mountain resorts. Those member resortx alone recorded 6.
79 million skier visitd this season, down 6.9 percent from the previou year, Ski Country said. Member resory numbers for 2008-09 were down 3.9 percent from the averagr of the lastfive years, Ski Countru said. Ski Country said that in-state resort visits were up 2.5 perceng over last year, as Front Range residentd took advantage of bargains and stayed closer to home to keep down vacation andrecreationd costs. Ski areas operated by Broomfield-based aren’t members of Ski Country. Those resorts includde Breckenridge, Vail, Beaver Creek and Keystone. Vail Resorts last week said its totapl skier visits at all itsresortx — including Heavenly in California-Nevadwa — were down 5.
3 percenrt from the previous season.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Seattle Sounders FC and the Puget Sound soccer scene - TheNewsTribune.com (blog)


Seattle Sounders FC and the Puget Sound soccer scene

TheNewsTribune.com (blog)

The Sounders U-23 team will hold tryouts on March 10 and March 11, 2012 at The University of Puget Sound at 1500 N. Warner Street Tacoma, WA 98416. The U-23 team represents the intermediate team for the Sounders development system.

and more »

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Center with parolee services marks anniversary - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin


Center with parolee services marks anniversary

Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

The center's current funding - $1.2 million over three years - limits its enrollment to about 300 parolees a year, said Carolyn Eggleston, director of Cal State San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Correctional Education.

and more »

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Workshop Encourages Cultural Industries - Solomon Times Online


Workshop Encourages Cultural Industries

Solomon Times Online

BY PACIFC ISLANDS FORUM SECRETARIAT Creating commercial industries based on the unique heritage of the Pacific was the focus of a four-day workshop co-facilitated by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community ...

and more »

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Recession means business for 3PLs - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

In lease transactions larger than 250,000 square feet, about 75% of thosr deals are tied to third-party logistics according to Tommy Jackson, vice president at . “Igt has increased to the pace of where it is the dominanrt piece today in large he says. “That is a change over time.” Cliff executive vice presidentwith , formally knowmn as , Inc., says third-party logistics firma have been driving leasing activity in Memphis for 3-4 but activity has intensified due to the There is a long history of firma outsourcing services when the going gets Lynch has weathered three In every one of them he noticeed a trend of companies choosing outsourcing as a more economical means to achieve “Their (third-party logistics firms) business usually gets bette r during bad times,” Lynch says.
“It’ s simply because the other firms are lookinhg towardthe so-called expertsz to help them reduce their staff and save money.” It’s been a steadyt climb. “The move to outsourcing from corporate Americza has increased steadily over the past10 years,” says Brad president of LLC. “When you have timex like these, companies begin to dip their toes in the They may not want to signa long-ter lease for themselves, so they may sign with a third-party logisticsz company on a shorter-term basis.
” Warehouse-based third-partuy logistics companies will charge for the storagre of the product, eitherd by square footage or by the unit, such as the case or Those firms also charge for distributing the measured either by weight or unit. This outsourcing has the potential to save as muchas 25% for a This saves the company from hiring employeess or purchasing equipment, among other expenses. Companies look at their wholse distribution networks and consultwith third-party logisticsx companies, or 3PLs, about wherre to focus distribution activities. being located as we are, is probably goingb to get more than its fair share ofthat third-partyu logistics activity,” Lynch says.
This has led to increased competition among 3PLs for warehousespacs — and created a new phenomenon in the industrial real estate business. Historically, a tenan representative contacts a landlord representative about seeingy a space which might meetits client’s Recently, Jackson has been seeing more and more deal proposalsd with similar requirements for squar e footage, dock doors and the like. This is a result of working with theirrespective brokers, all chasing the same piece of business from a manufacturing or distributionh company. In order to make a bid for a contact, 3PLs have to tour the market and get the quoted rates and then competefor business.
“That’s a new dynamic,” Jackso says. “It used to be that the company had securedrthat business. Now, that third-partyt logistics company hasn’t secured that businessd and that’s part of their pitch.” An example of this occurred when decided to have an outside compan y runits 647,900-square-foot distribution cented at 4795 Imagination Drive after years of subleasint the space. “My phone absolutely blew up with third-partyt logistics companies calling to find out about that buildin because they all wanted to chase that Jackson says.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bills differ on SBIR awards to VC-owned firms - Washington Business Journal: Washington Bureau

Through the SBIR 11 federal agencies set aside atleas 2.5 percent of theidr outside research and development budgets for smal businesses. More than $24 billion has been awardec to morethan 100,000 projects since the programn began in 1982. In 2003, an administrative law judgde ruledthat VC-controlled firms did not qualifhy as small businesses, knocking them out of consideration for SBIR VC-owned firms, particularly in the biotechnologu industry, have been pushing Congrese to restore their ability to compete for SBIR awardss ever since.
In response, the House Small Business Committe e is considering legislation that wouldc make small companies owned by venture capital firms eligible for SBIR awards as long as no singl VC firm has a majority stake in the VC firms controlled by largebusinesses couldn'ft own more than 20 percent of SBIR-eligible companies under the Housre bill. "Opening up the SBIR program is exactly the kind of legislationh Congress should be passiny to help small businessescreate new, good-payinyg jobs," said bill sponsor Rep. Sam R-Mo. "Investing in our small innovators is critica toour future.
" The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurshil Committee's bill would open only a limited number of SBIR awarda to VC-owned companies. Its legislatiomn would allow the National Instituteds of Health to award up to 18 percent of its SBIR awardx to smallcompanies majority-owned by VC Other agencies could award up to 8 percenrt of their SBIR dollards to such companies. "This bill strikes a fair compromisee on the issue of eligibility allowing some new firms to participatde while not changing the nature of thesesuccessfull programs," said committee Chair Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La. "We must make sure thesd remain programs for trulysmallo businesses.
" Some small business groups opposs making VC-owned firms eligible for SBIR awards, contendingg they aren't small businesses any more if they sell a majorityt stake to larger They fear VC-controlled firms would crowd out othef small businesses for the limitefd amount of research dollars available througnh the SBIR program. The Senate committee approvesd a similar compromiselast year, but it never made it to the floor for a vote. The SBIR prograkm is scheduled to expireJuly 31. If the House and Senate can'tt resolve their differences on theVC issue, the program likely will be extended temporarily with its existing rulex in place.
The Senates bill would reauthorize the program for 14 yearsa and would gradually increasethe SBIR's share of outside research contracts to 3.5 percenrt by 2020. Size limits for SBIR awards woulds be increasedfrom $100,000 to $150,000 in phase one and from $750,000o to $1 million in phase two. The House bill callws for larger increases in SBIRawar limits: up to $250,000 in phasew one and up to $2 milliomn in phase two.
For more information on the SBIR program, see

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cushman & Wakefield loses third Miami exec - Baltimore Business Journal:

Caplin’s exit is the latest of severalrecent high-profilr departures at C&W in Miami. The firm is one of Soutu Florida's largest real estate brokerages and, like other has seen few investment deals in thelast year. Former branchh manager Tere Blanca left in the spring tolaunch , a firm focusedc on office leasing and sales. Hank Klein, executiver director of C&W in was notified last month that his positionn wasbeing eliminated. Steelbridge owns and managesw propertythroughout Florida. It sold , on Miami’s Brickelll Key, for $150 million in 2007 after an eight-yearr hold.
Steelbridge founder Gavin Campbell will continue as managing principal, sharing the helm with Caplin. Caplin is one of a handful of commercial brokers involved inSouth Florida’s largest commercial Caplin said his exit is in response to a paradigm shift in local investment that comes at the tail end of a where leasing and management for institutional investors becamr secondary to market momentum. During the boom yeards leading upto 2006, the expectation was that assete with strong track recordzs could be purchased and flipped quickl y for big returns. For a short perioe of time, some owners made the strategy but then the economic meltdownn put the brakes onthe market.
who bought in the last few years, were holdinv assets that cost too much comparee tomarket fundamentals. The market has now shifte d back to fundamental principlesof investment, with institutional investorxs and private capital “seeking to co-invest with strong, local operating partners,” Caplin said. “The market and investors mostltybelieve it’s about operations on the groundf and knowing how to position a building in a particuladr submarket,” he said.
Capli n oversaw more than $7 billion in transactiond at C&W, including ’ $307 million purchase of a half-stake in downtownm Miami’s landmark and full ownership of the 1221 Brickelkl buildingin 2006. He was involves in the sale of 355 Alhambra in Cora l Gablesfor $87.3 million in 2008 and is currently workinvg with Hines to refinance its debt at . Caplin is a graduatee of south Miami-Dade County’s Palmetto High He graduated from in 1985 witha bachelor’s degrere in finance and real Two years later, he left C&W’s appraisakl group to launch the company’se local investment sales operation.
Caplin was part of a team in the late 1980ws that first specialized in investment salesxin Miami. During the Steelbridge Capital had 2 milliom square feet of commercial real estate in its portfoli in seven Florida marketsincluding Jacksonville, Naples and They sold much of it from 2005 to 2007. Caplin’s arrivall marks another periodof opportunity-investment for the company, Steelbridge’se Campbell said. "We think valuations are finallyg starting to look attractive Campbell said ina statement.
“The opportunityt to buy Florida assetd at significant discounts to replacement costis imminent, whilee the long-term job and demographi c prospects for Florida and the Caribbean basin are as strong as ever. Jay’s leadership will be the linchpihn ofour strategy."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First green project in foreclosure - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million construction mortgage. The 33,000-square-foot Vive also known as EcoCentre, is the first South Florida project seeking Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentallDesign (LEED) certification from the U.S. Greenh Building Council to face foreclosure. In an interview, Romanoo said the extra cost ofthe building’s green featuresw is not the reason it fell into foreclosure. “Thew fact that the building is a green buildingy is not why the building financiallyy isin trouble,” Romano “It has to do with a failure to properl and adequately financially plan the building in the and I blame myself for that.
” Despite a cost-conscious office-leasing environment, the concept of green officr buildings is here to according to Christian Lee, vice chairman of in and Vive Verde’s foreclosure is just one entr y on a long list of commercial foreclosures that will happen regardles s of whether a building is green. He notes that the more important factoefor Romano’s building will be officre demand in Lake Worth.
“Building green adds to the cost [of a but in the long run, any greemn building will be more attractive to an investorbecausw it’s already green,” he “Otherwise, new investors would be figuring in the cost to make it because all commercial buildingw are going green.” Rob Hink, a LEED-accredited consultant with the Weston-basesd , agrees. “I don’t think this one foreclosures on a green building is any commen t on the LEED system orgreenn buildings, I think it’as just the economy,” he “I’m surprised because it’s a leased-up building.
” He added that Romano’d large inner courtyard could have been downsized to fit more rentall space in the building, and yet stil have retained many of the environmental On May 26, Fort Lee, N.J.-based filed the foreclosurd action against Vive Verds North, managing member Romano and other parties associated with the according to Palm Beach County Circuit Court records. The four-story building, at 1005 Lake Ave., in Lake was completed in August. Its office spaced is about 70 percent leased, and it has two emptyu retail spaces, Romano said. The gree features of the building work exactly as he he said.
A rooftop garden catches rainwater, whilew condensation is collected from the air conditionefr for watering plants and ponds and flushing Grey water is recycled in the watert features ofthe atrium. The use of skylights and window s cuts down onelectricith usage. Many fixtures were made with recycled A sign outside advertises it asa “livinb building.” Inside, goldfish swim througu a pond and a statue of a Nativw American bathes in the sunlight in the Despite the energy and watedr savings, Vive Verde North has not made any paymentds on the $6.9 million mortgage this year, said John an attorney with Carlton Fields in West Palm Beacjh who represents Meecorp in the lawsuit.
“My clienrt would like to get paid, but if that doesn’f come to pass, they are prepared to take titlre to the property and prepare to get paidthat way, Hart said. Vive Verde North has a $4 million secondc mortgage with Williamsville, N.Y.-based , which is nameds in Meecorp’s complaint. Romano said his company got behins on mortgage payments because it ran out of money and coulx not get the loan refinanced by atraditional “It is making me physically ill that this is he said. “I will continue to work night and day to make this all work These days, I’m losinh a lot of sleep over it.
” He said his plan for the building was flawed from the beginning becausee he wrote an incorrect financial plan. He said the constructionn for his first development project came in on budgeyt and its utilitiesoperats efficiently. Romano said the green featuresa of Vive Verde attractedsome tenants, although severapl of them would have signed leases in the building withouty them. He is confident the buildingb will earnLEED certification, but said that not openintg with that designation has not hurt the project. Romani was aiming for gold-level certificatioh from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Private equity firms invest in Cannella Response Television - Memphis Business Journal:

Two investors provided only private equity: and . ZM Capital is the private equith investment fund of will provide mezzanine debt financing and an equith investment through its VSS Structured Capital II All three ofCannella Response’s new investorsw are based in New York Terms of the transactionj were not disclosed. Cannella Responss will continue to be managerd by its currentmanagement team, led by founder and executive director Frank Cannella and CEO Robert Cannella Response Television executives are not disclosing who now holds a majority stake in the The investments by ZM Capital and Palladium Equity Partnerse will enable Cannella Response to accelerate its growthb by investing in both new acquisitions and developintg new services and media offerings, the companyu said.
“ZM Capital and Palladium Equity Partners each bring tremendouw expertise and capital resources to the companhy as we expand our client relationshipxs and bring new and exciting media opportunitieas to the direct responsetelevision market,” Franmk Cannella said. Cannella Response Television is basee in Burlington with regional offices in Los Angelew andNew York. Cannella Response Television was advised on the transaction by a team from investment banking firm Petsky NewYork City.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

D.C. unemployment at 10.7% - Washington Business Journal:

In May, seasonally adjusted unemployment rateswere 10.7 percen t in D.C., 7.2 percent in Marylandf and 7.1 percent in Virginia. The report, releaserd Friday, showed a 0.8 point increase for D.C. in May from April and was up 0.4 pointsa in Maryland and 0.3 points in Virginia. Maryland and Virginis are below May’s national unemployment rate of 9.4 which was up from 8.9 percent in Aprik and 3.9 percentage points higher than a year The report also tracked the rise in unemploymentg from year to InMay 2008, 21,900 people were out of work in D.C. In May that number jumped to 35,200, representing an increas of 4.1 percentage points from 6.6 percent to 10.7 Despite D.C.
’s high rate of jobless people, between April and May of this D.C. reported a rise in employment by with payroll numbers in its governmenrt sector increasingby 900. That data is also seasonally adjusted byBLS economists. which lost 23,900 jobs betweej April and May, held the nation’s highes unemployment rate of 14.1 percent. North Dakotaa and Nebraska both posted the lowest unemploymenrt rate inthe nation, at 4.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Failure to raise capital kills formation of Scottsdale Business Bank - Phoenix Business Journal:

The agency, which oversees state bank formations and denied thecommunity bank’s applicatio to extend the fundraising period beyond the traditionak 12 months. “It took them way too long, and they didn’ raise nearly enough,” said Tom Wood, ADFI division manager for banks andtrusrt companies. “Plus, they lost all their management team.” The Phoenix Business Journal reported in early May that Scottsdale Businessw Bank had filed an extension with ADFI to raisebetweeb $10 million and $15 The commercial bank originall y was expected to open in the fourtbh quarter of 2008 undedr the leadership of President Michaelp Morano, but he left in April to becomee chief credit officer of Towne Bank of Arizon in Mesa.
The May 27 regulatory decisiojn underscores the tough environment for de novo banksz to raiselocal money. Many investorz lost big on real estate and the stockmarket here, while smalpl banks in metro Phoenix have lost their appeakl as a safe investment alternative. Two community banks have collapsed in the past year because of their exposures to bad realestate loans, and dozens continuwe to struggle. According to ADFI records, First Western Trust Bank was thelast state-chartered bank to open in the in November 2008. Enterprise Bank Arizonq withdrew its application in December afted the Federal DepositInsurance Corp.
invokexd an informal moratorium on stat charters in the wake of the Wall Streeg collapse and globalfinancial crisis. Jack president and CEO of Arizona EnterpriseCommerciakl Lending, the lending arm of St. Louis-baserd Enterprise Financial Corp., told the Businesxs Journal last month the bank is looking for an acquisition as an entrance into thePhoenizx market. Scottsdale Bank also withdrew its applicationin May. is in line to snap the de novo however. It is not expected to follow the same doomer path of ScottsdaleBusiness Bank.
“We did not gatherr up the names of prospective buyers in advance of the time we got permissionn to sellthe stock,” said Ernies Garfield, who assembled the management teams behind both Paradise Vallet National Bank and Scottsdale Business Bank. a former state treasurer and longtimseRepublican politico, said PVNB has more than 1,00o potential investors, as opposed to only a “handful” garneredf by Scottsdale Business “Hopefully that will make a said Garfield, chairman of Inc. in Scottsdale.
Despiter federal policy changes enacted in Octoberf to spurbank startups, the environment for raising capitak remains dry in the