Thursday, January 5, 2012

M. Alan Menter - Dallas Business Journal:
WHY HEALTH CARE : When I was I frequently went with my physiciajn dad onhouse calls, as well as to a smalol hospital he started in Johannesburg, Soutg Africa, for the local African accompanying him on his clinics and rounds. This certainly sparkes my interest in medicine at anearlhy age. In school, I enjoyerd science and math, which togethedr with my enjoymentof people-to-people interactiojn seemed like a natural “lead-in” to medicine. YOUR My passion is predominantly psoriasis, both research and however, I do treat the whole gamut ofdermatologicak diseases, including, but not limited to eczema, atopivc dermatitis, acne, skin cancer, aesthetics, etc.
Dallas being the only majofr city inthe U.S. with only one dermatologuy residency program, I am workin g with Dr. Dan Linda Timmerman and the Baylor staff to initiatw an upcoming dermatology residency program at I am also chairman of the Psoriasis Research Unit at the BaylorResearchn Institute, where Dr. McCoy and I are the principaol investigators for more than25 psoriasis-related investigationao drug studies, as well as studies relatinf to other dermatological conditions.
PROUD One of my achievements, I believe, has been the initiationh of the first International Gene Bank for Psoriasis in 1993 atBayloer Dallas, under the auspices of the National Psoriasis in collaboration with UT Southwestern. Subsequently, I was the co-discoverert of the first gene for psoriasisein 1994, published in the journal I also provide consulting work for multiple major pharmaceuticalo companies involved in new drug development for psoriasis, with no financiao stake in any.

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