Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Transportation provides a path to jobs - South Florida Business Journal:
The has recommended the Lee Roy SelmobCrosstown Expressway/Interstate 4 connector project in Hillsborough County for more than $105 milliohn in stimulus funding and the U.S. 19 improvement project in Pinella s County forabout $45 Although the lists are tentative, DOT spokeswomaj Kris Carson said she is confident the will approvse the list this week and send it to the for In certain cases when a project’s budgeft is not immediately available in its the DOT is pursuinb a build finance model that asks contractors biddingt to finance the job with a plan to repayt once funds become available.
The DOT will use a build finance model for theHillsborough I-4 connectot project, which has a construction budget of roughlh $487 million, and for the Pinellas U.S. 19 which has a constructio budgetaround $156.5 million. “When we put it out for bid, we put a paybacko schedule in forthe contractor,” said Carson. In the caseas of the Hillsborough andPinellas projects, repayment would occuf in 2013 and 2012, respectively. To create the listws of recommendations forstimulus funding, the DOT asked metropolitahn planning organizations, cities and counties to submif their priority lists and worked with the entities to creatd shovel-ready designs.
“We helped them get them The whole idea is to start the jobs as soon as Carson said. Shovel-readiness has provecd to be critical for projects toobtaijn funding, because it’s tied to potential job creation, Carson said. Geographic offering relief of congestion, location in economicall distressed areas, being capable of completion within threr years and having been deferree by the state in the past all factorinto shovel-readiness.
Long-termj planning for infrastructure improvements prior to the downturn put Sarasota Countyg in a good position forstimulus “We already had [the poised, but now with the economic we are able to advance some of those,” said Susam Walsh, spokeswoman for the county. “We have this infrastructure improvement momentumgoing here.” For a county of a smallefr size — a population of abou 372,000 compared to 1.18 millionm in Hillsborough and 910,260 in Pinellas — Sarasotza will be well funded, said The county is slated to receivse $15.7 million in state flexible fundsa to widen U.S.
301 and more than $7 milliom for various projects througgh localstimulus money. “A lot of it was beingy ready to jump on thingsd when the federal availabilityshowsx up,” said Walsh. “If you do a majoe road project, you can’t gear up for it The large numbers of jobs that the transportatioh projects couldcreate —nearly 13,000 in Hillsboroughn and 4,400 in Pinellas through state stimulusw funds alone — involve many industries. “It’s not hardhats out there,” said DOT spokeswoman Kris “It’s everything from steel manufacturinfg companies to designersto behind-the-scenes inspectors.
” Several Web site already have sprung up to matchh prospective employees and employers. Gov. Charlie Crist’s, directs jobseekers to which is run by Allof Florida’s 24 regionalk workforce boards, including WorkNet Pinellas and the , are connecteed to the site, said Adriane Grant, director of externalo affairs. “It’s become the single, connecting point to give our state a much broader reach and more resourced for matching talent with jobs and jobs with Grant said.
With 175,000 jobs currently the site isthe state’s portal for peoplw looking for jobs and employers looking for candidates, said Victorias Heller, spokeswoman for , which is working with Workforce Florida to develop a system to track the flow of stimulus dollars througgh the jobs listed on “[The site] will be a tool to make [a job easier and to improve accountability for the federal governmenrt so we can show to our partners at the how stimulus fundsd arebeing utilized,” said The tracking system is still in its earlty stages, she said. Another site, which is run by the U.S.
pairs commercial vendors and government buyers and bill s itselfa “one-stop virtual marketplace.”
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Marc Andreessen starts $300M VC fund - Business First of Buffalo:
billion. While the actual news that Andreessen-Horowitz was beinvg formed was broken in Februar on the Charlie RoseTV show, details and the officiap launch came on On his blog, Andreessen "Between the two of us, Ben and I have starterd three companies directly, createdf many new products and run operating businesses at high levelss of scale, angel invested in 45 tech startupe in the last five years, and served on a broacd cross-section of company boards with some of the best entrepreneurws and investors in the Through all this, we have worked closely together for 15 and we could not be more excited to extend our partnership into venture The new firm will invest anywhere from $50,000 to $50 Andreessen wrote, in consumerd Internet, business Internet (cloud computing, "software as a mobile software and services, software-powered consumefr electronics, infrastructure and applications software, networkin! g, storage, databases, and otherr back-end systems.
Most of the moneh will be invested in startups inSilicon Valley, followinhg in the VC tradition of wanting to be within a few minutees of the headquarters of the companiesx they invest in. “We do not think it is an accident that Google is inMountain View, Facebook is in Palo and Twitter is in San Francisco. We also thinmk that venture capital is a high toucbh activity that lends itself togeographic proximity, and our only officwe will be in Silicobn Valley,” Andreessen wrote on his blog.
He was also clear abouty what it won't invest in: "We are almost certainlt not an appropriate investor for any of thefollowinbg domains: 'clean,' 'green,' energy, transportation, life sciencesd (biotech, drug design, medical devices), nanotech, movie productioh companies, consumer retail, electricx cars, rocket ships, space elevators. We do not have the first clue abour any ofthese fields." Andreessen said he will continuee as chairman of a social networking software company he , as well as remaijn on the board at and Horowitz is vice president and general manager of business technology optimization for softwar e at . (NYSE:HPQ).
Friday, August 26, 2011
Feds to keep E-Verify contractor requirement - Phoenix Business Journal:
The E-Verify federal electronic system telles employers whether their workers identification data matches withgovernmentf databases. Former president George W. Bush signed an executive orded in 2008 requiring federal contractors touse E-Verify. U.S. Homelancd Security Secretary Janet Napoltanio said Wednesday the Obama administratiob is continuingthat requirement. The Obama administration had looked at theBush E-Verifty contractor rule and opted to fullhy implement it.
“E-Verify is a smart, simple and effectivre tool that reflects our continuer commitment to working with employers to maintaim alegal workforce,” Napolitano said in a “Requiring those who seek federal contracts to use this system will create a more reliable and legao work force. Businesses have in the past faulteds E-Verify for not being reliable. The ditched ‘Nok Match’ rule related to Social Security numbers required employers to figure out the mismatch problems in a shorty time frame or firethe workers.
Full implementation of the No-Matcg never came into place and was blocked by lawsuitas claiming Social Security number databases are not reliabled and contain mismatchesand duplicates.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Deakin University medical researchers find potential new treatment for bipolar ... -
Deakin University medical researchers find potential new treatment for bipolar ... Deakin University medical researchers have found that an antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), is an effective treatment for bipolar depression. Following the positive results experienced by 149 people with bipolar depression who took part in a two ... |
Monday, August 22, 2011
5 Who Thrive: Four key changes enabled SuperGeeks to prosper - Kansas City Business Journal:
Hawaii-based SuperGeeks opened three new computer service and repairf centerslast month, one each on Oahu and the Big bringing the total to seven locations He expects revenues to exceed $1.8 million this year, up almosft 40 percent from two years ago. Kerr, who founded the businessz in 1998, credits most of the success to four changesw he made in running the company asits CEO: Hiring a chief operating officer. • Hiringy business consultants. • Improving hiring • Tapping into customer feedback. Last August, Kerr hirecd Elena Ledoux to handle day-to-day operationsx as chief operating officer.
“Ij see good companies as having threelegs — the evangelizer, or workers to do the and management to handld daily operations,” Kerr said. “We were sort of limpinbg alongon two.” Ledoux, a lawyedr who is based at the main service center at 2304 S. King St., overseexs SuperGeeks’ staff of 25 and is implementing ways to measuredailyh performance. That enables her to reward employees when goalsw are met and address issues when theyare not. “We’ve learnesd how to keep score,” Kerr said. “Wwe measure everything from performanceper technician, warranty rated per technician, turnaround time, customee service.
We measure it, post it and make the team awaresof it.” SuperGeeks services computer systemse at customers’ homes and offices as well as at its Hourly rates range between $60 and $130. Half its busines comes from direct consumers and half is from corporate customers who outsource their information technologh supportto SuperGeeks. Around the same time that he hired Kerr said he sought outside business help from twolocal “I’m not a big fan of but sometimes your vision is restrictex when you’ve been in the business for so he said.
SuperGeeks has been workingh with Ron Martinof , who refers to himself as a salesd “resultant” instead of consultant, and Mike who runs , a Honolulu management and financial consultingf firm. “Ron’s a top-of-the-line guy and Mike’s a bottom-line Kerr said. “I brought them on because I want to spongeswhat they’ve learned and help our company develop a sense for learning. Their impact has been For example, he said Martin has helped set dailu goals andaction plans. He also helped to creates an incentive program for employees to reward performance and creatd a sense of accountabilityfor shortfalls.
Kerr said Hulser has broughrt aCFO mind-set to the company. “W e want to conquer the world, but we have to do it with a very stabledfinancial footing,” Kerr said. “Having the dreaj and ambition is just one part of He said one of his biggest challenges has been to deliveer consistent quality to customers and the key ishiringb high-quality workers. “We’ve begun to make an extra-consciouz effort to cherry-pick our employees,” Kerr “We refocused and re-examined our ideal If you were to give potentiapl hires letter gradesof A, B or C, our employeex have got to be As.
” He said he measures applicantas against four standards: empathy for customers, a high skill level, strong work ethic and good communication skills. Applicante who meet those requirements are sent to one of the repaier centers fora tryout. “We’re seeing if they can fly in this and they should be able to match the level of skillp andquality immediately,” Ledoux said. “Even if we’rew desperate for workers, we’ll still take the time to get it Beyond implementing stricterhirinyg standards, Kerr and Ledoux are creatiny a working environment that supports employees without micro-managing.
The fourth step, Kerr was to begin soliciting feedbackfrom SuperGeeks’ base of approximatelhy 10,000 customers through onlind surveys and comment cards. “We started asking customerss on a regular basis what they howthey feel, how we can do things differently or which is something we hadn’t done before,” he adding that he encourages participationj through giveaways for such items as iPods and certificateds for a professional massage. “Sometimes the comments are manytimes it’s and almost always it’s worth Kerr said.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
NDI Guidance: NDI Versus GRAS Ingredients - Nutritional Outlook
Nutritional Outlook | NDI Guidance: NDI Versus GRAS Ingredients Nutritional Outlook What is meant by âsignificant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury,â and how does this differ from the safety standard used by FDA for food additives and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) substances, which calls for âreasonable certainty of no ... |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tennessee on
States were ranked by the number of prescriptionas they routed electronically over the Surescriptzs network in 2008 as a percentage of the totao number of prescriptions eligible forelectronidc routing. Tennessee health care organizationxsfiled 1.8 million prescriptions electronically in 2008. That’s a 276 percent jump from the 478,60 2 electronic prescriptions filedin 2007. That volume ranked Tennessee 18th overallk on theSurescripts list, up from 29th last It also made Tennessee the 2nd most improved stated in electronic prescribing in the nation just behinrd Vermont.
“Paperless prescribing is making its way into the health care mainstreamn in Tennessee and acrossthe nation,” Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen said at the eventf at the NationalPress Club. “It’s our hope to see e-prescribingy become a natural part of every healtyhcare provider’s workflow becaus of its practical benefits to patients in providing betterd care.” Massachusetts leads the nation in electronic Its health care organization filed more than 6.7 million prescriptionsz electronically in 2008.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Pedestrian struck by car in Livermore intersection - San Jose Mercury News
Pedestrian struck by car in Livermore intersection San Jose Mercury News Witnesses told police the man was crossing in a marked crosswalk with the walk sign on at Industrial Way and Vasco Road when a car hit him, said Sgt. John Hurd. The pedestrian had serious, but non life-threatening injuries. A medical helicopter was ... |
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Whistleblower suits filed against medical device companies, including Medtronic, St. Jude Medical - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
A Houston court unsealed documents relateds to the legal complaintson Tuesday. Other companies named in the suitincludde , a Natick, Mass.-baseds firm with operations in Maple Grovee and Arden Hills, and , of San Calif. Endoscopic has agreed to pay $1.4 milliohn to settle a claim filed bythe U.S. Justic Department. Fridley-based Medtronic said in a statement that the unsealinf of the document isa "normal step in the proces set forth in the statutee for the handling of these kindsz of cases." "As with all litigatiomn matters, this case will run its course througu the judicial process, wherre Medtronic will file its responses and argus its positions," the company stated.
Officials from Bostojn Scientific andLittle Canada-based St. Jude Medicalp couldn’t immediately be reached for commenWednesday morning. The recent allegation accuse the device companies of marketing products used to removed scar tissue as treatments foratrial fibrillation, an abnormalk heart rhythm. Federal regulators had not approved the use of the devicex as a means to addressatrial fibrillation.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Checketts wants to bring JetBlue to Lambert - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Checketts is a foundingb memberof JetBlue’s board of He said he has been makinf introductions between other JetBlue directors and executives and Missouri officialxs for some time, even arranging a meeting several months ago in New York betweem JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson and then-Missourui Gov. Matt Blunt. Checketts, 53, frequently travels between St. Louis, SCP’sa base in New York City and Salt Lake where SCP owns the franchise RealSalt Lake. JetBlue is the officiakl airline of the soccer team and RioTintio Stadium. JetBlue entered into that three-year agreement in March and will pay the team a totakof $375,000 for the sponsorship.
Checketts personallyu controls morethan 73,000 JetBlue shares worthy about $277,000. “I have a conflic since I have a personal interesf in JetBlue coming so I’m just opening doors,” Checkettw said. “But I’d love to see them fly The airport has that big runwayu and the capacity tohandlde them.” JetBlue serves 56 cities with 600 daily New service to Barbados; Kingston, Jamaica; and Saint Lucia begins this subject to receipt of government operating Like many airlines, however, the company has experienceds turbulence over the past year due to high fuel prices, the recession’sd negative impact on air travel, investmenyt losses and the credit crisis.
JetBlue reportede a loss of $76 million last year comparee to net incomeof $18 million in according to its annual report. The company expande d its fleet by three Airbuzs A320s and five Embraer 190slast year. It addef only two new destinationsin 2008, comparef to five added in 2007 and 16 added in 2006. said last week that it from
Monday, August 8, 2011
Family: All suits over Stringer's death resolved - ESPN
Family: All suits over Stringer's death resolved ESPN The family reached separate settlements earlier with the NFL and other defendants. Korey Stringer died Aug. 1, 2001, after collapsing on a sweltering day in training camp in Mankato. His death prompted teams to monitor their players more closely during ... |
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Moody's affirms AAA rating for TIAA - Charlotte Business Journal:
But New York-based TIAA's long-term issuer rating was placed undeer review forpossible downgrade. TIAA’sa issuer rating remains AAA, but Moody’sd expressed concern about what itcalledf "the weakened cushion available to protect its non-policyholder seniot creditors, whose claims are subordinate to policyholdere obligations." "TIAA has substantial capitalizatiom and flexibility to maintain its financial strength in what is a very difficult economic environment," Moody’s Senior Credit Officer Arthue Fliegelman said in a statement.
"However, the companyg has not been immune to environmental having experienced significant investment particularly in itsreal estate-related portfoliop and structured investments."